SHOCK VIDEO Bodycam Video Shows Police Officer Take Out Armed HostageTaker With Headshot Breaking911

SHOCK VIDEO Bodycam Video Shows Police Officer Take Out Armed HostageTaker With Headshot  Breaking911
Chula Vista, California (CVPD) — On Saturday, February 4, 2023, at approximately 7:45 p.m., the Chula Vista Police Department received multiple radio calls from the 600 block of Moss Street in the city of Chula Vista. The callers stated that two homeless people were possibly setting up camp in an apartment stairwell, banging on doors, yelling, and possibly using drugs or dealing with mental illness. When officers arrived, they located one of the subjects in an apartment stairwell. As they contacted him, he moved a blanket from in front of him and revealed that he was holding another male hostage…

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